Labels:text | screenshot | font | document OCR: Coyote Gulch Location and Access: To reach Coyote Gulch of the middle Escalante River, drive down the Hole-in-the-Rock Road about 50 kms which will put you at the Red Well. You can park and start hiking from there; or drive back up the road a ways, and drive northeast a couple of kms to get closer to Dry Fork. If you drive about 4 kms past Red Well you'll come to Willow Tank at the head of Hurricane Wash, another popular entry point. About 3 kms past Willow Tank is a signed road leading northeast along Fortymile Ridge. The road to the Jacob Hamblin Arch Trailhead and metal tank at 1450 meters is good for any car; but beyond that, it's sandy, so drive as fast as conditions allow and don't stop in deep sand! The Fortymile Ridge trailhead is on a hill with firm ground.